Teucrium chamaedrys - Echte gamander (15-20)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 60 cm

Bloeit: jul-sep

Type: HP

Winterhard in: zones 6-9 (-10 C.)


Groenblijvend halfheestertje met kleine, roze lipbloemetjes in schijntrossen. Medicinale plant.


Zaai-instructies: Kiemt in 2 weken bij ca. 20 Celsius

Plant-instructies: Zeer goeddoorlatende grond. Volle zon of halfschaduw.





Wall germander is a specific for the treatment of gout, it is also used for its diuretic properties, and as a treatment for weak stomachs and lack of appetite. It has also been taken as an aid to weight loss and is a common ingredient in tonic wines. Some caution is advised when using this plant internally, it can cause liver damage The whole herb is anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, aperient, aromatic, astringent, bitter, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, stimulant and tonic. It is harvested in the summer and can be dried for later use. It is used externally as an astringent infusion on the gums and also in the treatment of wounds.


Height: 60 cm

Flowers: jul-sep

Type: HP

Hardy in: zones 6-9 (-10 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Sow at 20 Celsius, germinates in about two weeks

Planting instructions: Very welldrained soil. Can handle some lime. Full sun or partial shade.