Mirabilis jalapa mix - Nachtschone (10-15)
De planten sieren zich eerst met glanzend, donkergroen blad en dan met trossen trompetvormige bloemetjes in karmijn, rood, geel en wit. Gaan in de namiddag en avond open en geuren verrukkelijk.
Hoogte: 50 cm.
Bloeit: jul-okt
Type: HHP
Winterhard in: zones 7-8-9-10-11 (-5 Celsius)
Zaai-instructies: Zaai feb-apr. Kiemt in 7-21 dagen bij 20-25 Celsius.
Plant-instructies: Voedzame, lichte, goeddoorlatende grond in volle zon.
Waarschuwing: delen van de plant (ook de zaden) zijn giftig
Each attractive trumpet shaped bloom has its own distinct yellow and red colour. Flowers open in the evening and early morning, adding vibrant colours and their delightful fragrance to your borders.
Height: 50 cm.
Flowers: jul-okt
Type: HHP
Hardy in: zones 7-8-9-10-11 (-5 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow Feb-Apr. Sow seed on the surface of lightly firmed, moist seed compost in pots or trays and cover with a fine sprinkling of vermiculite. Place in a propagator or warm place, and keep at a constant temperature of between 20-25 Celsius. After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged; germination will usually take 7-21 days.
Planting instructions: For best results, provide a rich, light, well-drained soil in full sun
Warning: parts of the plant (seeds included) are harmful if eaten.