Lilium martagon - Turkse lelie (10-15)
Hoogte: 150 cm.
Bloeit: jul-sep
Type: HHP
Winterhard in: zones 6-10 (-10 C)
Bloemen hebben kenmerkende, teruggeslagen bloembladen. Dieprose met zwarte stippen. Hoogte wordt bepaald door de standplaats.
Zaai-instructies: kiem onregelmatig in 1-12 mnd, 18-23C
Plant-instructies: (half)schaduw/vochtig
Waarschuwing: Stuifmeel is giftig
Tall stems play host to numerous small, purple, spotted turkscap lilies above whorls of dark green leaves. The flowers are highly scented, although it's not the most pleasant smell. This lily does best among shrubs or in woodland where it should be left to naturalise.
Height: 150 cm.
Flowers: jul-sep
Type: HHP
Hardy in: zones 6-10 (-10 C)
Sowing instructions: Germination in 30-365 days, can be quite irregular and erratic. Sometimes stratification is necessary.
Planting instructions (Partial) shade. Moist soil.
Warning: Pollen are poisonous