Hieracium aurantiacum - Havikskruid (25)

€ 0,45


Ten onrechte onbekende tuinplant. Valt op door zijn grijsgroene, behaarde blad en helder oranje bloemhoofden.

Hoogte: 20 cm.

Bloeit: jun-jul

Type: HP

Winterhard in: zones 5-10 (-15 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Kiemt in 7-14 dagen bij 18-20 Celsius.

Plant-instructies: Goeddoorlatende grond in volle zon of halfschaduw.



Compact cluster of 5 or more dandelion-like flowers on short hairy stalks at the top of the plant. Flowers are 3/4 to 1 inch across, deep red-orange to orange to yellow-orange, often fading to yellow in the center. The bracts behind the flower are densely covered in glandular hairs.

Height: 20 cm.

Flowers: jun-jul

Type: HP

Hardy in: zones 5-10 (-15 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Germinates in 7-14 days at 28-20 Celsius.

Planting instructions: Well drained soil in full sun or partial shade.

Warning: Can be invasive.