Dianthus barbatus "Heimatland" - Duizendschoon (15)
Hoogte: 50 cm.
Bloeit: mei-jul
Type: HB, HP
Winterhard in: zones 5-9 (-15C)
Rode bloemen met wit oog. Fantastisch voor traditionele borders. Goede bijenplant, fijne plukbloem (want ruikt lekker).
Zaai-instructies: kiem in 1-3 wk, 18-23C
Plant-instructies: Zon of halfschaduw.
Description: Dark red flowers with a white eye. Fantastic for traditional borders. Good for attracting bees. Can be used as a cut flower, and smells wonderful too!
Height: 50 cm.
Flowers: may-jul
Type: HB, HP
Hardy in: zones 5 to 9 (-15 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow in May-June outdoors in a moist, well forked and raked seed bed. Sow thinly, 1cm deep in drills spaced 15cm apart. Keep seed bed well watered in dry weather.
Planting instructions: No special requirements. Full sun or partial shade