Aruncus sylvester - Geitenbaard (30)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 120 cm.
Bloeit: jun-jul
Type: HP
Winterhard in: zones 4-8 (-20C)
Enorme, geelwitte bloempluimen eisen ieders aandacht. Blad blijft mooi groei.
Zaai-instructies: Zaai in najaar, zet buiten. Kiem in voorjaar.
Plant-instructies: (Half)schaduw.

Huge airy white flowers command attention. Leaves remain emerald green in color throughout the season. Perfect flowering hedge plant for (partial) shade
Height: 120 cm.
Flowers: jun-jul
Type: HP
Hardy in: zones 4-8 (-20C)
Sowing instructions: Sow in autumn and put outside. Germinates in spring.
Planting instructions: (partial) shade.