Allium vineale - Kraailook (10)
Hoogte: 40 cm.
Type: HP
Winterhard in:zones 5-10 (-15 C)
Dit meerjarige uitje geeft fris eetbaar blad en een overvloed aan broedbolletjes aan de top (ipv de bloem). Deze zijn lekker door de sla.
Zaai-instructies: Druk broedbolletjes in de grond, in voor- of najaar.
Plant-instructies: volle zon of halfschaduw
Crow Garlic can be used from late autumn during winter until the following summer! The juice of the plant is said to work as a moth- and moskito repellent. Raw and cooked leaves can be used as a garlic substitute. The same goes for the little bulblets. The historical medical use ranged from an antiasthmatic to a blood purifier.
Height: 40 cm.
Type: HP
Hardy in: zones 5-10 (-15 Celsius)
Planting instructions: Will grow on any ordinary soil in full sun or part shade but needs to be fed every once in a while. Push bulblets in the soil,in autumn or spring.