Euonymus europaeus - Kardinaalsmuts (5-10)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 250 cm.
Bloeit: mei-jun
Type: HShr
Winterhard in: zones 5-10 (-15C)

Bladverliezend. De bloei is onopvallend. De vruchten vallen in de herfst des te meer op!  

Zaai-instructies: Zaai in het najaar en zet buiten. Kiem volgt in de lente.
Plant-instructies: Niet te natte grond, liefst in volle zon.
Waarschuwing: Gehele plant is giftig.


A large deciduous shrub, a native of European hedgerows, from which the wood was traditionally used for making spindles. This plant really comes into its own in autumn and winter, when its insignificant summer flowers are followed by gorgeous, orange-pink, winged fruit which remain long after the leaves have fallen.

Height: 250 cm.
Flowers: may-jun
Type: HShr
Hardy in: zones 5-10 (-15 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Sow in autumn and put outside. Germination occurs in spring.

Planting instructions: Welldrained soil in full sun.

Warning: Entire plant is poisonous.