Catalpa bignonioides - Trompetboom (5)
Bij kneuzing komt een karakteristieke geur vrij. In de herfst kleurt het blad geel. De witte, klokvormige bloemenstaan in opstaande pluimen. De peulen blijven in de winter aan de boom hangen.
Hoogte:12 m.
Winterhardin: zones 6-8 (-10 Celsius)
Zaai-instructies:Zaai in najaar. Zet zaaisel buiten. Kiemt in 1-6 maanden.
Plant-instructies: Voedselrijke, niet te droge maar goeddoorlatende grond in de volle zon. Jonge planten tegen wind beschermen.
Spreading deciduous tree with broadly ovate leaves, heart-shaped at base and up to 10 inches long. Bears white flowers in upright 12 inch panicles. These are followed by slender pods up to 16 inches long. Height and spread is 30 feet. Best grown as a specimen tree.
Height: 12 m.
Flowers: jul-aug
Type: HHTr
Hardy in: zones 6-8(-10 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow Sep to Oct. Sow into pots or trays of moist seed compost andcover with a fine sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Seal container inside apolythene bag and place in a cold frame or sheltered part of the garden. Checkregularly and ensure compost does not dry out. Germination can take 1-6 months.
Planting instructions: Plant out the following spring in fertile, moist, but well drainedsoil in full sun. Provide shelter from wind.