Aucuba japonica variegata - Broodboom (5-10)
Hoogte: 2m.
Bloeit: apr-mei
Type: HShr
Winterhard in: zones 6-10 (-10 C)
Gevlekt wintergroen blad, compacte groeiwijze, melkchocolade bloemetjes en rode bessen (als je er minimaal 2 van hebt)
Zaai in voorjaar en zet buiten. Kiem volgt in lente volgend jaar
Goeddoorlatende grond, volle zon of halfschaduw
Waarschuwing: Delen van de plant zijn giftig.
Attractively long, spotted, evergreen leaves and bright red coloured oval berries over the autumn/winter months (you need at least two shrubs to get those). Chocolate coloured flowers appear in spring: small, but mouthwatering!
Height: 2 m.
Flowers: apr-may
Type: HShr
Hardy in: zones 6-10 (-10 C)
Sowing instructions:
Sow in spring and put outside. Germination occurs in the spring of the next year.
Planting instructions:
Well drained soil in full sun of partial sun
Warning: Parts of the plant are poisonous