Vitis vinifera - Druif (10)

€ 0,45


Kleine trosjes met besachtige, rode druiven die in een zonnig jaar heel zoet zijn. De moederplanten groeien in mijn tuin, waar ze verwilderd zijn. Oogst van eind okt. tot eind nov.

Hoogte: 5 m.

Bloeit: jul

Type: HCl.

Winterhard in: zones 5-10 (-15 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: zaai zaden en zet in de koelkast. Haal ze er na 90 dagen uit en zet ze weg op kamertemperatuur en niet in de zon. Kieming zou dan in 30 dagen moeten volgen. Indien niet procedure herhalen.

Plant-instructies: goeddoorlatende grond in volle zon. Ieder voorjaar kalk geven.



Small trusses with berry-like, red grapes that are very sweet if given enough sun and warmth. The motherplants grow in my garden and behave like wild plants. Harvest from the end of oct. till the end of nov.

Height: 5 m.

Flowers: jul

Type: HCl.

Hardy in: zones 5-10 (-15 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Plant the seeds in a small pot just under the top layer of soil. Place the pot inside a plastic bag. Alternatively, the seeds can be placed directly inside the bag, but this requires transferring them to a pot later. Refrigerate the grape seeds for 30 to 90 days (in the fridge). Do not allow seeds to freeze. Remove the seeds from the refrigerator and allow them to warm inside your home. Keep the seeds inside the plastic bag used to store them in the refrigerator. Seeds should not be placed outdoors in direct sunlight, as too much heat and light will cause the seeds to die. Remove the seeds from the plastic bag once they begin to germinate, typically after 30 days of warmer temperatures. If no germination occurs, seeds should be put back in the fridge again for another 30 days. The seeds should be placed on a windowsill or in a sunny, dry location outdoors. The soil inside your pot should be kept moist, but be careful not to over water.

Planting instructions: well drained soil in full sun. Feed with chalk every spring.