Lycopersicon lycopersicum "Helsing Blue Junction" - Kersomaat (5-10)
Hoogte: 120 cm.
Type: TA
Winterhard in: zones 10-11 (5 C)
Donker, krullend blad met blauwe gloed. Ronde, zeer donkere kerstomaatjes, prettig zoet. Let op: fruit kan pas worden gegeten als het (min of meer) rood is!
Zaai-instructies : kiem in 10-21 dgn, 18-27C
Plant-instructies : zon; vochtige grond; regelmatig voeden
Waarschuwing: Delen van plant zijn giftig
Dark regular leaf foliage, with bluish stems especially when young. Leaf curl seems to be normal for this variety as it matures so don't be alarmed. Large round cherry shaped tomatoes with dark pigmentation. The flavor is very pleasant and sweet. Remember the fruit is not ripe until it turns red! (or reddish blue actually)
Height: 120 cm.
Type: TA
Hardy in: zones 10-11 (5 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: germinates in 10-21 days at 18-27 Celsius; sow in mar-apr (under cover) or apr-may (outside)
Planting instructions: full sun; keep soil moist or the fruits may crack; feed the plants with tomato fertiliser
Warning: some parts of the plant are poisenous if ingested