Cucurbita maxima 'Turkse Mutsen' - Pompoen (5)

€ 0,45


Platronde vruchten met in het midden een duidelijke insnoering, net als een tulband. Deze middelgrote soort is 20cm in doorsnee, in een gestreept mengsel van oranje, groen en wit.

Hoogte: 200 cm.

Bloeit: jul-sep

Type: TA

Winterhard in: zones 10-11 (10 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Kiemt in 6-10 dagen bij 24 Celsius

Plant-instructies: Beschutte, zonnige plek en rijke bodem. Regelmatig water en voeding geven



Turban squash come in lovely, irregular, turban shapes and a range of mottled green, orange, and yellow colors. They have interested bumpy skin and are widely used as decoration. They can, unlike decorative gourds, be roasted and eaten. They have a floury texture that works well in soups, and large ones make excellent edible soup tureens when roasted until tender and filled with soup.

Height: 200 cm.

Flowers: jul-sep

Type: TA

Hardy in: zones 10-11 (10 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Sow in a good seed compost. Germination usually takes 6-10 days at 24C. Can also be sown where they are to crop in late spring/early summer once the soil has warmed up. Sow 3 seeds every 60cm and thin out to the best seedling.

Planting instructions: in a sunny sheltered spot on rich well drained soil. Water regularly and feed every 14 days once the pumpkins start to develop.