Laurus nobilis - Laurier (3-5)
Kan, met wat extra bescherming, in milde winters buiten blijven, maar met strenge vorst moet hij naar binnen. Verse laurier is nog lekkerder dan gedroogde.
Hoogte: 3 m.
Bloeit: jun-jul
Type: HHShr
Winterhard in: zones 7-10 (-5 C)
Zaai-instructies: kiemt in 40-90 dagen bij 18-23 C. Indien geen kieming: koudebehandeling geven.
Plant-instructies: goeddoorlatende grond in volle zon of halfschaduw.
Bay Tree is an evergreen tree or large shrub with glossy, dark green, aromatic leaves. The leaves are used in many dishes, both fresh and dry. During early summer masses of tiny flowers are produced which are much loved by bees and other pollinators. Will respond very well to pruning, producing lovely dense foliage. Immediately reminiscent of the Mediterranean and very under-rated as a high quality hedging plant.
Height: 3 m.
Flowers: jun-jul
Type: HHShr
Hardy in: zones 7-10 (-5 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: seeds will usually germinate in 40-90 days, even under good conditions germination may be erratic. Normally will only germinate with light so surface sow. If no germination occurs, seeds need to be stratified and/or scarified.
Planting instructions: well drained soil in full sun or partial shade