Nigella 'Jewel Rose' - Juffertje-in-het-groen (15)
Hoogte: 30 cm.
Bloeit: jul-aug
Type: TA
Winterhard in: zones 9-11 (5C)
Een aantrekkelijk plantje met kantachtig blad en fijngevormde roserode bloemetjes, gevolgd door mooie zaaddozen.
Zaai-instructies: Kiem in 14-21 dgn, 15-20C
Plant-instructies: Zonnig plekje en goeddoorlatende grond.
A beautiful and easily grown annual with attractive fennel-like foliage. A unique pink variety. Very useful for bedding and cut flowers. The large seed pods can also be dried for winter decoration indoors.
Height: 30 cm.
Flowers: jul-aug
Type: TA
Hardy in: zones 9-11 (5 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow thinly in well-cultivated soil which has been raked to a fine tilth. Water ground regularly, especially in dry periods. Can also be sown Sep to Oct for spring/summer flowering next year. Sow in pots or trays of moist seed compost and cover with a very fine sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Keep at between 15-20C. After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged; germination will usually take 14-21 days
Planting instructions: They prefer a sunny open site but will grow in most sites and soils