Nemophilia menziesii - Bosliefje (15)
Hoogte: 20 cm.
Bloeit: mei-jun
Type: HHA
Winterhard in: zones 7-9 (-5C)
Lieflijke blauwe bloemetjes met een wit hartje. Ideaal voor potten en hangmanden.
Zaai-instructies : Kiemt in 1-3 wk bij 12-15C.
Plant-instructies : Niet te droge gron (half)schaduw
Lovely blue flowers with a white heart. Very much suited for containers and hanging baskets.
Height: 20 cm.
Flowers: may-jun
Type: HHA
Hardy in: zones 7-9 (-5C)
Sowing instructions: Start indoors, in peat or coir pots, 6-8 weeks before planting out. It's probably simpler to direct sow in early spring, when a chance of frost is still possible (mid-March on the coast). In mild winter areas, you can direct sow in the fall. Ideal soil temperature for germination: 12C. Seeds should sprout in 7-21 days.
Planting instructions: Moist soil in (partial) shade