Nemesia caerulea (15)
Hoogte: 25 cm.
Bloeit: jul-sep
Type: HHA
Winterhard in: zones 8-10 (0 C)
Licht geurende, delicate, zacht lilablauwe bloemetjes tegen frisgroen blad. Bloeit lang door.
Zaai-instructies: Kiemt bij 13-20C in 7-21 dagen.
Plant-instructies: Niet te droge grond in volle zon of halfschaduw.
A delicately scented species of Nemesia. With vivid bluey-mauve flowers standing out against its dark green foliage. A compact but spreading habit makes it ideal for bedding, rockeries and containers.
Height: 25 cm.
Flowers: jul-sep
Type: HHA
Hardy in: zones 8-10 (0 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow late winter to mid spring at 13-15 C in a good seed compost. Sow seed on surface of compost and gently firm down compost. Keep soil damp but not wet. Do not exclude light. Germination usually takes 7-21 days. Keep the soil temperature below 19 C.
Planting instructions: Well drained but not too dry soil in full sun or partial shade