Myosotis arvensis - Akkervergeet-mij-nietje (20)
Hoogte: 30 cm.
Bloeit: jun-jul
Type: HB
Winterhard in: zones 4-9 (-20 C)
De kleine, hemelsblauwe bloemetjes laten sich prachtig tussen de voorjaarsbloeiende bollen weven. Zaait zich dan uit en bloeit dan in de herfst opnieuw.
Zaai-instructies: Kiem in 2-4 wk, 15-20C
Plant-instructies: Zon, halfschaduw
The small, heavenly blue flowers weave beautifully in between spring flowering bulbs. Will selfsow and flower again in autumn.
Height: 30 cm.
Flowers: jun-jul
Type: HB
Hardy in: zones 4-9 (-20 C)
Sowing instructions: Sow seed on the surface of a good free draining, damp, seed compost. Do not cover the seed. Seal container inside a polythene bag and place at 15-20C. Germination usually takes 14-30 days. Do not exclude light, as this helps germination.
Planting instructions: Prefers any ordinary, well-drained soil in sun or part shade