Calendula officinalis - Goudsbloem (10-15)
€ 0,45
EUR 0.40
Hoogte: 40 cm.
Bloeit: jun-jul
Type: HA
Winterhard in: zones 6-10 (-10 C)
Vrolijke, oranje bloemen. Medicinale plant tegen huidirritaties.
Zaai-instructies: Kiem in 1-3 wk, 15-20C
Plant-instructies: Zon
Nice orange flowers. Tried and true for medicine and beauty.
Height: 40 cm.
Flowers: jun-jul
Type: HA
Hardy in: zones 6-10 (-10 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: Sow outdoors where they are to flower. Prepare the ground well and rake to a fine tilth before sowing. For spring/summer flowering pot plants - sow in a cool greenhouse or conservatory in late summer/early autumn. Grow on cool in full light and water sparingly.
Planting instructions: Full sun, no special requirements