Browallia speciosa (15)

€ 0,45


Browallia is een niet-winterharde vaste plant die hier als eenjarige wordt behandeld. De stervormige bloemen zijn er in diverse tinten blauw, violet en wit.


Hoogte: 30 cm.

Bloeit: jul-sep

Type: TP/TA

Winterhard in: zones 9-10 (5 celsius)


Zaai-instructies: Kiemt in 14-21 dagen bij 18-23 Celsius


Plant-instructies: licht-vochtige grond in (half)schaduw





The browallia, or sapphire flower, is an annual flower (or tender perennial) that blooms heavily from early spring to fall frost and year-round as sunny window flowers or in greenhouses. It's best in cool or coastal gardens, but with partial shade or an eastern exposure, it will consistently grow well elsewhere. Grows in a loose mound as high as they are wide, their lax habit allowing them to trail.


Height: 30 cm.

Flowers: jul-sep

Type: TP/TA

Hardy in: zones 9-10 (5 celsius)


Sowing instructions: Start seeds indoors six toeight weeks prior to planting out after the last frost. At temperatures of 18-23Celsius, they'll take 14 to 21 days to germinate